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Trusting God When Life Feels Overwhelming
Have you ever heard someone say "God won't give you more than you can handle"? While well-intentioned, this popular phrase is actually not found in the Bible. In fact, Scripture often shows God allowing His people to face challenges far beyond their own abilities - not to crush them, but to drive them to deeper dependence on Him.
In a recent message at Brookside Church, Pastor Eric explored this idea through the story of King Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20. Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah found themselves vastly outnumbered by enemy armies, facing a threat they had no power to overcome on their own.
Rather than putting on a brave face or trying to handle it himself, Jehoshaphat did something remarkable - he admitted his fear and weakness before God and the people. He prayed,
"We have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you." (2 Chronicles 20:12 NIV)
This honest prayer of surrender opened the door for God to work in a powerful way. God responded by telling the people, "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's." (v. 15)
Pastor Eric highlighted several key lessons we can learn from Jehoshaphat's example:
- It's okay to admit when we're overwhelmed. Acknowledging our limitations allows us to look to God for help.
- Prayer should begin with focusing on who God is and what He has promised, not just presenting our requests.
- God often allows us to face battles too big for us so that we'll rely fully on Him.
- Our role is to show up in faith and surrender the battle to God, then watch Him work.
- We can praise God for the victory even before we see the outcome, because we trust His power and promises.
The next time you face a challenge that feels insurmountable, resist the urge to try handling it all on your own. Instead, follow Jehoshaphat's example - honestly admit your need, surrender the situation to God in prayer, and then watch with expectation to see how He will come through. The battle belongs to the Lord!