Choosing the Right Master for Your Tongue

Choosing the Right Master for Your Tongue

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Picture standing at a fork in the road. One path leads to words that build bridges, heal wounds, and reflect Jesus. The other path? It's lined with hasty responses, cutting remarks, and broken relationships. The difference isn't just about choosing better words - it's about choosing the right master.

In 1 Peter 3, we find a powerful reminder: our words matter. They have the potential to bless or curse, to build up or tear down. Peter urges us to keep our tongues from evil and our lips from deceitful speech (v. 10). Why? Because our words reveal who's really in control.

As Pastor Eric shared, every morning our tongue wakes up ready to serve a master. Will it be Jesus, leading us to speak life, encouragement, and truth? Or will it be the enemy, guiding us toward destruction and pain?

The path we choose has profound implications. When Jesus is Lord of our tongue, our words become an extension of his love. We find the strength to bless when cursed (v. 9), to respond gently when provoked (v. 15), and to break cycles of destructive speech.

But how do we practically live this out? It starts with the heart. As Pastor Eric reminded us, "Hurt people hurt people." When we allow Jesus to heal our own wounds, we're less likely to inflict pain on others.

It continues with daily surrender. Each morning, we have the opportunity to offer our words to God as a living sacrifice (Rom. 12:1). We can invite the Holy Spirit to guide our conversations, prompt us toward encouragement, and convict us when we stumble.

Finally, it overflows into action. We seize opportunities to text a struggling friend, write a note of appreciation, or speak a timely word of wisdom. We view our words as a platform of influence, a chance to represent Christ in our circles.

Today, Brookside, let's choose the right master for our tongue. Let's yield our words to Jesus and watch as he builds bridges, restores relationships, and draws others to himself. In a world filled with noise, may our speech be seasoned with grace, pointing others to the hope we've found.

So which path will you choose? Imagine the impact if we consistently placed Jesus on the throne of our tongue. Let's take that first step together.